Since our inception in 1979, we have worked with a wide range of organisations. A selection of our current and former clients have been given below:
Financial Institutions:
- Sonali Bank Ltd.
- Janata Bank Ltd.
- Rupali Bank Ltd.
- Bangladesh Krishi Bank.
- Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Ltd.
- Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.
- Mercantile Bank Ltd.
- Green Delta Insurance Co. Ltd.
- Green Delta Securities Ltd.
- Green Delta Financial Services Ltd.
- Fareast Finance and Investment Ltd.
- Premier Leasing & Finance Ltd.
- Prime Insurance Ltd.
- Lanka Bangla Finance Ltd.
- Bangladesh Industrial Finance Company Ltd.
- Fareast Islami Life Insurance Ltd.
Publicly Traded Companies:
- Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
- Shefered Industries Ltd.
- Queen South Textile Mills Ltd.
- BD Com Online Ltd.
- Argon Denim Ltd.
- Evince Textile Ltd.
- Olympic Accessories Ltd.
- IFAD Autos Ltd.
- Opsonin Pharma Ltd.
- Opsonin Consumer Products Ltd.
- Opsonin Bulk Drugs Ltd.
- HWA WELL Textiles Ltd.
- Global Heavy Chemicals Ltd.
- BRB Cables Ltd.
We also have a vast range of experience working with both local and foreign-based NGOs. A selection of our current and former NGO clients have been given below:
- Terre des Hommes.
- Partners in Population and Development (PPD).
- HEED Bangladesh.
- Concern Universal and its Projects.
- Christian Aid and its Projects.
- Nari Maitree and its Projects.
- Muslim Hands Bangladesh and its Projects.
- Bangladesh Women’s Health Coalition (BWHC).
We have also worked on various donor and financing projects for the following organisations:
- World Bank.
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
- European Commission.
- Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
- Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA).
- International Development Association (IDA).